There seems to be times in our lives when everywhere we turn, we see and hear the same thing. For me, the current topic of confirmation seems to be laughter.

Last week, a good friend posted a silly picture of himself on Facebook. After comments by several people, my friend stated that people take themselves too seriously. He then issued a challenge for others to post goofy pictures of themselves, admonishing others to "lighten up" and to be willing to laugh at themselves.

I immediately agreed with him, although it was hard for me to rise to the challenge. I promised to post my own picture - and I did - but it took me several days and more than one mental arguement.

I then issued the same challenge to others. Although it is in a more private setting, only two people dared to show their silliness, out of around thirty people that were offered the challenge.

A few days ago, I had one of those days that made me want to crawl back under the covers and hide. It wasn't a bad day, really... just a crazy one. It seemed everything I tried to do failed, for one reason or another. Several times, I could feel my stress  levels begin to rise. Yet each time, the conversation with my friend came back to mind. And each time, I would end up laughing at the way the day was going, and at the events that were occurring.

All through this week, there have been little reminders. The Bible states that a merry heart does good like a medicine. Few people love to take medicine - but they do when needed, because the benefits are worth it. They know it will help them.

As well, it is hard to laugh when life is going wrong. When we are faced with difficult situations, it is hard to find reasons to laugh. But if we take the Bible as truth, then we can understand that even though it is hard to laugh, it will do us good. It will bring healing to our souls.

Do you find it hard to laugh at yourself? When faced with a crazy kind of day, can you find reasons to just go with the flow, or does your stress level rise, threatening to overpower your joy and peace of mind? What tricks have you learned to maintain your smile when everyone else seems to be pulling their hair out?
I’ve not been keeping up with my blog as I should. At first, it seemed I never had anything interesting to write about. I was waiting for “inspiration”, it would seem. 
Then I started noticing how some people will blog about the littlest things. One blogger recently wrote a letter to his dog, asking him, in essence, to obey the house rules.

It made me think. I have certainly never thought to write a letter to my dog (although if it would help to curb their irritating little habits, I’d write one in a heartbeat!)
We all look at life differently. Some have the creativity to imagine writing a letter to their fur babies. My creativity is awakened by crochet needles and fabric scraps.
After several days of wishing I was more creative in the area of writing, I still have not posted.
The thing is, I created this blog at the urging of my publishers and several authors. It creates a point of contact between myself and readers. It provides a place where readers can find out more about me, and if desired, contact me personally. As a benefit, personal friends and family that live farther away can have a more regular feed of what is going on in my life.

I allowed my focus to become centered on the readers – particularly those who have read a book, then found their way to an author’s website. I want them to be drawn in. I want them to be interested. I want to make that connection with them. 
Noble desires are often the greatest obstacles on the path to success of any kind. 
So here and now I am creating a “vision statement,” of sorts. 
What do I want others to know about me? I want people to know that, above all else, I am a child of God. He has loved me, forgiven me, chosen me, called me. I am not perfect – I struggle every day to live for Him, rather than for this world or for myself.
I also want others to catch glimpses of the whole “me”, not just a single piece. Besides my relationship with Jesus Christ, I am also a wife, mother, friend, dog owner, crafter, homemaker, and housemate to some pretty awesome friends. I find myself
in the roles of constantly-developing author, unofficial teacher, unintentional mentor, and other positions that terrify yet intrigue me.

What do I want to do? My purpose, not only for this blog, but for my life, is to help others. When someone reads my blog, I do not want them to leave with only a chuckle. I want them to feel like someone else has gone through hard things, and can understand where they’re coming from. I want them to know that there is someone who will listen without judgment; someone that will pray until breakthrough comes; someone who will attempt to give sound Biblical answers, and who is also
unafraid to say, “I don’t know the answer.” I want others to walk away feeling empowered, encouraged, and equipped to live this life to the best of their ability and with God’s help.

I understand that for some, my blog come across as “too religious.” For a moment, the thought of being labeled as excessive deterred me. 

That moment has passed. 

Simply stated, I am a messed-up woman, trying to live the best way I know how for the One who has saved me, and trying to help others to do the same. We are all traveling through the same world at the same time, and companionship makes the journey all the more sweeter. Won’t you walk with me?

    About This Blog

    Blogs are abundant, and most bloggers stick to a certain genre - crafters blog
    about crafts, authors blogs about writing, etc. I have been encouraged to keep
    my blog "professional" by blogging only about writing. However, for me, that
    feels false. I am an author, but that is only a part of who I am. I am also a
    Christian, a wife, a mother, and many other things. The parts come together to
    make the whole of who I am. For those who know me, this blog keeps them in touch
    with all facets of my life. For those who do not personally know me, they will gain
    a truer sense of who I am as I share from all aspects of my life. So sit down and visit for a while. And be sure to enter your email address below, so you don't miss anything!


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